Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life. (Psalm 139:23-24)
Greetings GBC:
I pray your week has been profitable and productive to the glory of God and that you are anticipating the opportunities to be with your church family this weekend.
Last Sunday, many of you have received a copy of the 28-day personal revival guide Change Me. I want to encourage you to be diligent and intentional with your time as you journey through this material. I pray you will experience a fresh sense of God's renewal in your heart as you spend time reading God's word, praying, reflecting, and responding in obedience to God's leading in your life. If you were not able to get a copy of Change Me, there are still copies available and you can pick one up Sunday. Let me encourage you to find someone to walk this journey with you as support and accountability.
Beginning this Sunday at 5:00 pm, I want to invite you to begin the study entitled Kingdom-First Life: A 6-Week
Small Group Series Asking the Question ‘Are You Living Out Matthew 6:33?. Intergenerational groups (groups of adults and youth) will be formed to share time exploring what it means to live one's life according to Matthew 6:33. Let me encourage you to take advantage of this study as a continuation of the teaching concepts we learned during the Thirst Conference. The material we will use is provided by Life Action Ministries as a follow-up. So come Sunday at 5:00 pm...we will meet in the Worship Center...receive an introduction to the material...and divide up into groups to grow and learn together. A special word for parents...there will be opportunities for your children as you engage with the small group sessions.
I was encouraged by our meeting last Sunday to intentionally reengage our children and student ministry. As a result of our meeting, a group of individuals is working together to learn current best practices in children and student ministries in order to provide new direction. On Sunday, February 24 at 4:00 pm, these individuals will meet again to prayerfully seek the next steps. Anyone interested in these ministries is invited to attend.
Finally let me share with our youth and their parents about an opportunity coming Saturday, March 25. We are joining with area churches for ONE DAY...a full day of service and worship and hanging out with fellow students. Deadline to register and pay is Wednesday, March 1. Cost is $25 which provides 3 meals and a t-shirt.
I look forward to seeing you Sunday as we begin the day in Bible study at 9:30 am.
Your Pastor and Friend
P.S. Hey men, we will be building a wheelchair ramp at the home of Bobby and Mildred Henderson (2436 W. McCown Dr.) on Saturday beginning around 8:30 am. If you are available, come lend a hand.