Disciple making involves... developing people who love the Lord and one another as well as deploying missionaries...
Grace Baptist Church strives to fulfill the mission of making disciples. In so doing, the church profits from an intentional process of growing, developing, and maturing in Christ. There are three simple expectations for every member of the Grace Baptist Church family: love the Lord (by worshiping), love one another (by growing in small groups), and love the lost (by serving). In essence, these three expectations are the components of our church's spiritual development process.
The first part of the process is WORSHIP.
Jesus commanded his disciples to be actively involved in expressing their love for God. He said “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.” (Matthew 22:37-38, NIV) Obedience to this command is WORSHIP. Worship serves as a great place to begin the process toward spiritual maturity because true worship moves people face-to-face into an encounter with God where they can experience God’s presence, power, and purposes. Since Jesus placed worship in the position of priority, disciples of Jesus must place worship in a position of priority not only in the church but also in one’s personal life. Consequently, as believers and members of Grace Baptist Church, worship must be a priority. Growth as disciples of Jesus Christ will not occur without faithfully and consistently gathering as God’s people to worship. (Remember the words in Hebrews 10:25, …let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do…”)
Believing worship must be our number one priority, the leadership of Grace Baptist Church works to be intentional in planning, preparing, and evaluating corporate worship. In addition, effort is made possible to provide worship opportunities that will enable everyone to worship God in spirit and truth so as to experience God’s presence. Therefore, the challenge for every person is to make worship a priority by…
Remember the priority is to worship God.
There are three expectations for every member of Grace Baptist Church:
These three expectations are the parts of our mission statement as well as the components for our spiritual development process.
Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:39, NIV)
Living in healthy relationships with other people is an integral and critical part of spiritual growth. The life of a believer is not to be lived in isolation but in community with other believers. One of the best places to live in community with other believers is in a small group. Participation in a small group provides elements needs for growing in Christ.
Specifically a small group is a group of 3-15 people who meet together on a regular basis to promote their mutual spiritual growth. A small group intentionally involves themselves in spiritual disciplines (i.e. Bible study, prayer, etc.) as well as relationship-building, fellowship, service, etc. The activities of a small group will naturally move the group into a deeper relationship with God and with each other. As believers meet in small groups, they live out their obedience to Christ’s command to love one another.
You may be saying to yourself, ‘a small group sounds a lot like a Sunday School class,’ and you are right. Small groups can be Sunday School classes, men’s groups, women’s groups, etc. Any group that meets on a regular basis that promotes and facilitates the spiritual growth of the group members is a small group.
As a believer, you are encouraged to actively become involved in a small group and discover the benefits of living in the community. If you are not currently meeting in a small group on a regular basis, Grace Baptist Church would find great joy in helping you find a group where you experience living in the community. While no one will force you to engage in a small group, you are strongly encouraged to find a group where you can love and be loved by one another, where you can grow in Christ and encourage others to do the same. You will be glad you did.
If you have questions about small groups or would like more information about joining a small group, please call the church office (843) 662-5122 or email the Pastor.
As outlined in the mission statement of Grace Baptist Church, believers are expected to make worship a priority; worship is a response and expression of our love for the Lord. In addition, believers are to be growing in their relationship with God by loving on another in the community of a small group. Finally, believers are expected to live on mission.
Jesus said “I have come to seek and to save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10, NIV). Disciples of Jesus who express their love for God through worship and who live in relationships with other believers so that they may experience spiritual growth and transformation will obey the teachings of Jesus and live to fulfill Jesus’ mission...to seek and save those who are lost. While Jesus was this earth, his mission was to find people in need and offer them forgiveness from their sin and hope for eternity. Jesus told his followers “you are the salt of the earth…You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:13-14, NIV). Jesus taught his disciples to serve, to live on mission. As believers use their natural abilities and spiritual gifts in service to others they are the redemptive salt and light to those who are lost without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Grace Baptist Church is encouraged and expected to understand their gifts and abilities and to use them in service to God and his church. The goal is for the people of Grace Baptist Church to experience a transformation, to see themselves not as just members of a church but as ministers and missionaries of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Grace is an autonomous local church in cooperation with Southern Baptists. Grace voluntarily cooperates with the following...